The journey toward integrated risk management

Discover four practical steps to realising the gains of IRM

Integrated risk management (IRM) is the disciplined, unified approach to governing all the risks an organisation faces. It allows executives to make wiser decisions and drive better business performance. If that sounds hard to achieve – that’s because it is. But the alternative leaves executives and boards reacting to events, rather than proactively addressing them before they impact the business.

IRM depends on strong corporate culture, thoughtful policies and procedures, and shrewd use of technology. ‘The journey toward integrated risk management’ by our partner Galvanize explores the business case for IRM and provides best practices to reap all the gains that IRM promises.

You'll learn:
  • How to define IRM for your organisation
  • How to build your business case
  • What capabilities your IRM programme should have
  • How internal audit teams can lead the IRM charge
Download today for free and get a complementary copy of part 2 straight into your inbox.

About Part 2: How Integrated Risk Management Makes Your Business More Competitive

In order to rise above the competition and increase market share, companies need to take an integrated approach to the challenges and opportunities they face.

Organisations are better equipped to weather storms and seize opportunities if they can break free of siloed departments and put an end to gatekeeping information, instead building collaborative enterprises where information flows freely and insights are accessible to the people who need them.

While there are many digitisation strategies that can help organisations achieve this goal, one of the most valuable opportunities to consider is integrated risk management (IRM).

Part 2 of Galvanize’s Integrated Risk Management e-book series looks at:
  • What IRM is and how it differs from related business frameworks
  • How you can use IRM to gain a competitive edge
  • What to look for in an IRM solution

About ICA

The International Compliance Association (ICA) is the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community.

Since 2001, we have enhanced the knowledge, skills and behaviour of over 140,000 professionals in 152 countries either through our internationally recognised portfolio of professional qualifications (awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester) or through accredited in-company training.