Smee & Ford Legacy Trends 2019

The latest edition of the annual Smee and Ford Legacy Trends report is now available, covering the period between 2013-2018. The report explores the importance and potential of legacies today, what’s happening in the legacy market and what you can do to optimise your legacy potential.

Key findings include:

  • Legacy income has reached a new milestone—now worth over £3 billion
  • 6.3% of the population leave a bequest in a Will 
  • 123,235 bequests were recorded in wills, an increase from 122,849 in 2017
  • There were 37,856 charitable estates reported. 16.7% of their value of charitable estates went to charities 
  • The typical profile of a legator is a female from the South of England who is aged 77 when she writes her Will and leaves three charitable
  • bequests
  • The most popular cause for sole bequests is places of worship
To read the full report for free, simply complete the short form on the right.