Watch our free on-demand webinar examining how pharma can support NHS service transformation.
Recently updated guidance for commissioners from NHS England puts front-line clinicians at the heart of driving and assuring major service change, based on the best available evidence. Unfortunately, however, many clinicians do not get the chance to comment on proposals until they have been implemented.
Key stakeholders, such as commissioners, transformation leaders and service development managers, need to work in a more cohesive and joined up way with each other, and with clinicians, to ensure that they have fully interrogated service change proposals and obtained sign off from all relevant parties.
In this free webinar, we will explore why the assurance process, described in NHS England’s ‘Planning, assuring and delivering service change for patients’ guidance, is important for pharma companies, looking to make their own cases for transformational change, and how they should develop and ‘risk proof’ their proposals.
Presented by Oli Hudson, Content Director and Steve How, Business Development Director at Wilmington Healthcare and David Thorne, Managing Director at Blue River Consulting, the webinar will discuss how pharma can enable clinicians to take a more proactive role in transformation by keeping them abreast of changes and helping them to understand service transformation from a commissioning perspective.
To view the webinar, complete the form below.